
7 Reasons To Grow an Indoor Herb Garden

The very thought of fresh herbs with their wonderful accompanying aromas for dinner is utterly tempting, isn’t it? What is even more interesting is that you can easily grow your own herbs indoors! These plants don’t need too much maintenance to grow and thrive. In fact, herbs like parsley, mint, basil, lavender, sage, rosemary, cilantro and thyme grow just fine in old wooden boxes, recycled bottles, mason jars, or even in discarded tin cans. Moreover, you can grow your favorite herbs vertically on a wall or designate a space for these resourceful plants right on your dining room table. Other options of having these super aromatic ingredients always at your fingertips include growing an indoor herb garden on your windowsill, or on a sunny kitchen counter in your apartment. Growing an indoor herb garden can be both a fun experience and a smart decision.
Benefits of growing an indoor herb garden are multifarious. Not only do they eliminate a few items from your grocery shopping list, but also fill your home with an amazing and refreshing aroma.
Here are 7 reasons why you should grow your own indoor herb garden:

  1. Health boosting ingredient at your fingertips
    Herbs not only make our food tastier but also boost our health. Experts say that they’re chock-full of healthy compounds and are instrumental in fighting inflammation and reducing damage to our body’s cells. This is primarily because they are highly rich in phytochemicals, which are healthy plant chemicals.
  2. Saving money, energy and resource
    Herbs are an essential part of everyday meals. Be it adding a little kick to the curry or for perking up our health, these plants are matchless. Having your own herb garden means you won’t need to alter a recipe for not having a particular herb. Or you can be spared from making a dash to the local grocery store just for a bunch of cilantro or basil. Moreover, herbs are often overpriced in the stores. Not to mention, you’re often buying more than you need and ending up tossing the excess ones that have wilted away in your fridge in a matter of a few days.
  3. Sustainability
    Not many people know that nearly 39-40 percent of food is never eaten in some countries., and something as small as packaged herbs contributes to that. While buying herbs in a store you must have seen that they are wrapped in single-use plastic packages which contribute needless plastic to landfills. Moreover, throwing away the unused herbs contributes to the pressing food waste problem. After reaching the landfills, food scraps disintegrate and emit dangerous greenhouse gasses like methane into the atmosphere.
    Besides, herbs are often grown commercially by spraying pesticides and other harmful chemicals while herbs from your indoor garden are organically grown and are totally safe for your health and also for the environment.
  4. Low-maintenance
    Herbs are hassle free to grow indoors. Keeping them next to a window in your home where there is ample sunlight is enough to have them flourishing. Being small plants, herbs can be grown on a windowsill or at a suitable space in the kitchen. Also, as perennial plants, once planted herbs can last for quite a long time if taken care of properly.
  5. Freshness assured
    Store-bought herbs stay on the shelves for days, even weeks, but growing your own herb garden ensures ready access to fresh herbs any time. Lack of right environmental conditions such as optimal moisture, light, oxygen, and temperature, in the stores make the herbs lose their freshness. And adding stale herbs to a recipe can be a major spoilsport which can ruin the entire appeal of a dish. Contrarily, picking a few leaves off from your own herb garden makes your food super tempting, both in look and taste.
  6. Enhanced aesthetic
    Indoor plants, especially herbs, are aesthetically pleasing and add to the visual appeal of an indoor space. Creating an indoor garden for the same reason as purchasing a decoration or art piece, are now a common practice. Having lively and fresh plants duly enhance the artistic quotient of a home. Moreover, being surrounded with plants contributes to several health benefits. Not to mention, herbs smell amazing and freshen up the spaces they occupy.
  7. Fun feel
    Creating an indoor herb garden is an exciting DIY project. The experience offers tremendous opportunity for your creativity while being a fun learning project for kids and adults alike. Witnessing the different growth phases of the plants each day is extremely heartening while adding them to your cooking is super exciting!
    Some useful tips
    If you are planning to create your own indoor garden of assorted herbs, it is important to understand how they thrive. In general, lavender, oregano, rosemary, sage, and thyme are Mediterranean herbs which grow well in drier soil. On the other hand, cilantro, parsley, and basil grow well in a damp, sunny environment with ample watering.
    If your favorite herbs are lavender and basil and you are toying with the idea of growing them together, you might have to relinquish the thought. Though both the plants love sunny environs, they fall in the category of unfriendly herb combinations because of their different water needs.
    All herbs can usually be grown indoors as well as outdoors. However, the leafy herbs like parsley, basil, and cilantro are particularly well suited for an indoor environment. Expert gardeners recommend starting your indoor herb garden with cilantro, as it needs partial sun. Woody or slow-paced Mediterranean herbs including rosemary, sage and lavender, are rather difficult to maintain indoors as they need strong sun.
    You can look up the internet for countless herb garden ideas, tips and tricks for planting your indoor herbs. Learn about how to create a well-designed herb garden, and also about the types of containers and materials best suited for indoor herb gardens before embarking on the journey. But one thing is assured, with an indoor herb garden, your home will smell great, your food will taste better, and you will fall in love with your indoor herb garden.
    In order to find the right resources and equipment for all types of indoor gardens log on to You can find the best in market garden essentials, indoor gardening and watering supplies, garden clean up tools to meet all your indoor gardening requirements.

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